Archive for relationships

Authentic Relationships!

Posted in apologetics, relationships with tags , , on August 15, 2010 by Corey Turner

How many times in your life could you say that you have felt a genuine sense of oneness and unity in your relationships?

Unfortunately, when it comes to the church, there are too many people who carry with them a negative report of broken relationships and wounded souls. Yet, the church is called to be the greatest apologetic of the gospel the world has ever seen.

Why is it the Church struggles to cultivate authentic relationships at times? Let me suggest 4 reasons among others:

  1. Reality of Spiritual Warfare – We have an enemy who hates the church and all it stands for.
  2. Our Sinful Nature – When our flesh can’t get what it wants it pollutes our relationships.
  3. Pressure to Perform – Salvation by works manifests as pharisaical moralism.
  4. Busyness of life in western culture – Busyness skims through life and produces shallow relationships.

Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer in John 17:1-26 has some incredible insight into the source of unity, the benefits of unity and why unity is important. We will unpack the insights in this passage over the next week.

Lead the Change!

Love People, Don’t Use Them!

Posted in community, relationships with tags , , , , on May 22, 2010 by Corey Turner

Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”

Too many people in this day and age use people for what they can get out of them for their own personal gain. I think God is horrified at the way we treat each other at times and he must feel incredible pity for us. Too many of us only relate to certain people based on what they can do for us rather than their inherent value as human beings.

People are precious and most important to God. Jesus didn’t die for success, wealth and power and yet we as a race sacrifice people on the altar of these goals all the time. Jesus lived and died for people – period! People are the greatest resource on planet earth. The environment is important but people are more important. You say, “Save the whales”. What about, “Save the people”.

You cannot take anything with you when you die but you can leave a legacy of lives changed by your influence and investment into people. I value people over task, even though I acknowledge the reality that we all have to complete tasks at times. Just don’t treat people as a task to endure but a treasure to enjoy.

Erwin McManus is one of the people on planet earth I admire because he appears to value what God values. Even through his writings and teachings, you can feel the love he has for people bleed through. What about you? When people meet you, do they sense “life” in you and “love” for people bleeding through you. I’ve never met Erwin but I can see it and sense it. I hope that we all want to be people that others want to be around because we really value people and see the importance of investing into them.

The Great Commandment is made up of 2 parts: Love God and secondly Love people. You can’t truly embrace the vertical, if you don’t embrace the horizontal. Some people who love God treat people as imposters on their own self-importance. We need to understand that God views our spirituality through the lens of our relationships and how we treat God’s greatest creative achievement – humanity.

Lead the Change@

Missing out on something?

Posted in Intimacy with God, relationships, time management with tags , , , on August 6, 2009 by Corey Turner

3383642994_a95935d317_tYesterday I carved out time in my schedule to invest into my relationship with God. I booked into a Prayer Retreat Centre for the day and prayed, fasted and read God’s Word. I haven’t had a full day like this for a while and I really connected with Jesus in a raw and powerful way. 

As I prayed and reflected on Scripture I thought about the things I had missed out on over the past couple of months because I hadn’t made time to just BE with Jesus. I meet with Jesus everyday and spend time with Him but there is nothing like focusing completely on Him for an entire day. As a result of this time with Jesus, He gave me future message themes and insights into decisions needed to be made that I never would have had if I hadn’t created space in my diary. 

What about you? What are you potentially missing out on that is available to you, if only you would stop and be still with Jesus for a day? My guess is there are several important things God wants to download to you right now in your life but if you don’t carve out time and invest into your relationship with Him, you will miss out on them. 

Do you ever get the feeling that something is missing in your life? Don’t ignore that feeling or thought but do something about it and create space for at least 1 day and meet with Jesus in prayer, Scripture reading and reflection and you will get the answers you are looking for.

Lead the Change!

Dating Pt2: 26 Principles!

Posted in Biblical sexuality, Family, global issues, Manhood, Pop Culture, relationships, Theology with tags , , , on May 25, 2009 by Corey Turner

3561043864_f394967dbe_tThere are 4 types of dating relationships:

Pre-arranged marriage: Cultural & biblical expression – While not practiced in Aussie culture, it’s quite popular in certain cultural groups around the world and has ancient biblical origins. To a teenager it’s the worst idea in the world but to a parent of a 5yr old princess I think it’s a brilliant idea…hehe.

Courtship: Biblical & traditional expression – This was very popular until mid 1900’s where it was exchanged for the more casual non-Christian dating. I recommend this type of dating for teenagers because teenagers don’t even know what they want tomorrow, let alone who they want to spend the rest of their life with. Parents need to take a vested interest in their teens lives and help them navigate their experience of dating relationships. Courtship dating basically involves a potential young man who is interested in a girl to meet with the parents of the girl and express his interests and intentions with the girl. In one sense the potential suitor dates dad before he dates the girl and if he gets approval then a date is the next step in the process.

Non-Christian dating: Heathen expression – I don’t recommend this because of the devastating and un-biblical consequences of it. The English word dating was introduced into the English vernacular in 1896 as a synonym for prostitution, the transaction of money for sexual favours. The downward spiral of society over the last 100 years has reshaped our understanding and expression of dating relationships and marriage. This type of dating involves looks like, hook up, shack up, break up, repeat… The world’s idea is try before you but but God’s idea is commit before you consummate. Let’s look at the last type of dating relationship.

Christian dating: Biblical expression – The ultimate goal of this dating relationship is marriage. I recommend this for young adults or mature adults who have left home and are responsible for themselves and make their own decisions as a responsible adult. This type of dating is about building a legacy for the future and not for selfish gain.

Here are 26 principles of a dating relationship (1 Corinthians 7 & other scriptures):

  1.  Don’t have sexual intercourse until you’re married (v1)
  2. If your sexual desire is strong, get married (v2,9,36)
  3. Once married don’t deprive each other of sex (v5)
  4. Identify whether you have the gift of singleness or not (v7)
  5. Maximise your singleness for God (v35)
  6. Don’t pursue dating until you are ready for marriage
  7. Be reasonable with your expectations
  8. Don’t overlook whom God has put in front of you
  9. Remember, going on a date is not dating (1 Tim 5:1-2)
  10. Getting a date requires men to initiate the event
  11. Only date one person at a time
  12. Don;t have a dating relationship with an unbeliever (2 Cor 6:14)
  13. Only invest into dating someone you are attracted to
  14. Only marry someone who agrees with you on gender roles & family numbers
  15. Don;t give your heart away too quick (Pr 4:23)
  16. Men, is she modest? (1 Tim 2:9-10)
  17. Men, does she have character? (Pr 31)
  18. Men, does she have a negative influence on you? (Book of Pr)
  19. Men, can you provide for her? (1 Tim 5:8)
  20. Men, will she follow your leadership?
  21. Ladies, are you able to follow his lead and help him? (Gen 2:18)
  22. Ladies, do you feel safe with him?
  23. Ladies, is he tough enough to cope with pressure?
  24. Ladies, is he a 1 woman man? (Job 31:1)
  25. Ladies, do you want yours sons to be like him?
  26. Ladies, how valuable are you to him? (Eph 5:25)

Lead the Change!


Dating Pt1!

Posted in Biblical sexuality, Creation, Family, Pop Culture, relationships, Spirituality, Theology with tags , , on May 24, 2009 by Corey Turner

Simone and I have been together for 15yrs and for the first 6yrs we were in a dating relationship. I can still remember the details of our first date as if it was yesterday. The topic of dating is relevant for all types of people, especially singles. It’s relevant for married people as well because marriage doesn’t mean you stop dating each other. Dating is relevant for parents of kids and teens because you’re going to be facing the reality of your son and daughter being attracted to the opposite sex very soon, or already.

Hugh Mackay has written a book titled, “Advance Australia…Where?” In this revealing book Hugh gives us a snapshot of the current demographic of Australia including, for the first time in history there are more unmarried people in Australia then married people. The marriage rate is the lowest in 100yrs. 76% of couples live together before marriage. Over 40% of all marriages end in divorce and 1/3 of all babies are born to unmarried couples. 

Our society is suffering the consequences of a distorted idea of sexuality and we need to get God’s perspective on dating. How does a Christian date righteously and what are the relevant boundaries before marriage?

To develop a theology of dating we need to begin in the book of origins and beginnings and read Genesis 1-3 thoroughly (Have a read). In Ch3 we discover the gender wars start as a result of man rebelling against God and the curse of sin falling upon both Adam and Eve. Eve’s curse is pain in childbearing and desire to control her husband. Adam’s curse is pain and sweat in the work of his hands and difficulty leading his wife.

Because of sin there are 2 reactions to marriage and the gender wars. One reaction is to idolise independence and exalt self and what self wants over family, others and the community at large. The second reaction is to idolise family and see single people as inferior and lower value because they aren’t consumed with family or don’t have any kids.

Both reactions need to be remedied by asking the question, “How is your relationship with Jesus Christ?” Your relationship with Jesus is the no1  priority of your life and must be first before any other relationship.2nd question to ask is, “Are you listening to cultural lies?” If you are getting your relational advice more from pop culture than God’s Word, you are developing distorted ideas of dating, sex, marriage and relationships. 3rd question to ask is, “Do you understand that the purpose of marriage is holiness, not necessarily happiness. happiness is a byproduct of holiness but 2 sinful, wicked and unregenerate people coming together in marriage can actually produce more hell for each other than happiness if Christ isn’t at the centre of that relationship.

We’ll finish up this topic tomorrow.

Lead the Change!

New series on RELATIONSHIPS starting soon

Posted in activate church, Family, relationships, Sexuality, Theology with tags , , , , , , on May 2, 2009 by Corey Turner

3256391_e5a975328d_m1We are starting a new series on relationships starting on Mothers Day (May 10, 09).

The topics we will be covering include:

  • Family/parenting from a mothers perspective (May 10 10am service)
  • Family/parenting from a fathers perspective (May 10 6pm service)
  • Marriage and women (May 17 10am service)
  • Marriage and men (May 17 6pm service)
  • Singles & Dating (May 24 10am & 6pm service) 

The teaching team is looking for feedback on what you would like to hear about relationships throughout the series. If you have any suggestions or questions or ideas for us then could you please send them into me making sure they are related to the topics outlined. Title your comments with “Relationships Series”.

We will be sending out study and discussion notes for all life groups so make sure you connect with a life group asap. If you would like a copy of the discussion notes of the series and you are not connected to Activate Church, let me know and I will make sure we make them available online.

Lead the Change!

Kingdom Culture Pt8 – Community

Posted in activate church, church, global issues, Leadership, mission, Spirituality, Theology with tags , , , on April 17, 2009 by Corey Turner

368053190_08ea16f46c1At our ministry leadership team meeting on Tuesday we had a former staff member of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago come and share with us about his experiences on staff in Bill Hybels team.

One of the key things that our guest kept emphasizing was the need for community within the life of the church – a place to belong. People are hungering for connection and relationship.

The Christian Church is positioned uniquely within the wider community to provide exactly what people are searching for – a place to belong. When churches don’t build this we are a false representation of Christ and his mission in the world.

Acts 2:42-47 gives us a brief but detailed snapshot of what community in the early church looked like. “All who believed were together and had all things in common, and they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”  

As a result of the community within the early church God added blessing and fruit to it. We can experience the same today. It doesn’t matter the size of the church, what matters is the heart of the church. Leaders within a church set the pace and example for community. Cold leaders ultimately breed cold congregations. But if the leadership is warm and interested in people, then the after effect will be reproduced in the church community.

At Activate Church we are seeking to build this community through life groups that meet regularly each week throughout the city of Melbourne. It is our hope to connect many disconnected people within the church community and outside the church community into authentic relationship with Christ and his followers.

Lead the Change!

Care to confront!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on January 19, 2009 by Corey Turner

Recently i had to confront some issues in my leadership team and it is always challenging when you care so much for the people you lead. I have learnt alot about confrontation over the years because in the past i didn’t handle it as well as I should have.

I believe it takes incredible leadership maturity to confront people in a way that affirms them but at the same time communicates that what they just did sucked!

One of the things i attempt to do is to sandwich the critique with positive appreciation for who they are and what they contribute. If people feel valued and loved they are much more open to receive input into how they can improve in a certain area of their work.

When i do confront the issue, it’s important to clarify the what, the why and the how. What is the issue? Why does it need to be confronted? (Alot of people miss this but most people just want to know why so they understand) and How do we resolve it? 

Don’t be fuzzy or beat around the bush. Get straight to the point and don’t be afraid to let them know your frustration with the issue.

Keep in mind that most stuff ups are system issues rather than individual’s purposely trying to make life difficult for you. Check your system before you blame someone.

Remember there’s more than one person to hold accountable. Generally the whole team has slackened and needs to be held accountable but if it is a single individual that is responsible don’t hold the entire team to ransom for one person’s mistake.

Speak the truth in love. People can receive harsh truth if it comes from a heart motivated by love for them. The way you say something really does matter and i have learnt this through making many mistakes in how i have gone about this in the past.

Confrontation is not easy but it is necesary if you want to excel and achieve your vision as an organisation.

Lead the Change!

12 Essentials for those who shape the future

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on March 26, 2007 by Corey Turner

A few weeks ago I was asked to share with a group of church leaders a session on the essentials young leaders need to embrace for successful ministry. As I reflected on what to share with these leaders God showed me twelve key principles that every leader needs to get a grasp on if they are going to effectively shape the future. This month I will share with you the first six essentials and in next month’s edition of insight I will share with you the next six essentials. Here they are:

1. Clarify your calling, your vision and your core values

    One of the most important qualities a young leader needs to develop is self awareness. Great leadership flows from a leader clearly understanding them selves. In June 2004 God took me on a journey of self-awareness helping me to clarify my calling, my vision and my core values.

    Clarifying your calling establishes God’s purpose for your life. God’s calling on your life validates you functioning as a leader. Sooner or later the demands of life will force you to seriously consider giving up and your calling will often be the only thing that anchors you when the storms of life hit you.

    Clarifying your vision establishes God’s direction for your future. A leader without vision is like a person trying to drive blindfolded – really exciting but very dangerous. Vision is your greatest weapon because it sparks the fire inside you and draws you forward.

    Clarifying your core values establishes what’s important to you along the journey. Your core values are those core principles and standards that shape your ministry. Every leader needs to write down for themselves and the people their ministering to what is important.

    2. Lead yourself well before you lead anyone else – Self-discipline

      1 Timothy 3:5 – If someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church.

      The biggest challenge in leadership is YOU! What you do about you will determine how far your leadership will go. The degree to which you lead yourself will be the degree to which you lead others and the best investment you can make as a young leader is self-leadership. Why? Your effectiveness as a leader is determined by your internal reality not your external achievements.

      3. Develop your character – it’s the foundation of your leadership

        On April 14th 1912 the Titanic received 6 warnings about icebergs in the area and the Captain of the ship ignored all of the warnings. The Titanic eventually hit an iceberg and soon sunk. The problem with icebergs is that most of an iceberg is below the water line. The Captain underestimated what was below the waterline and overestimated their own strength.

        The Iceberg represents your leadership. The 10% above the water line is your skill. The 90% below the water line is your character. What is below the surface is what will sink your leadership. Develop what is below the water line and your skill will be able to be maximized.

        4. Pay the price to hear God’s voice and have the courage to obey what God say’s to you

          Your no 1 priority in ministry is intimacy with God – Leadership boils down to hear God’s voice and obey it. If you really want to excel in ministry don’t attend another conference, establish a daily appointment with God and never miss it. It’s not how much you do it’s what you do out of what God says to you to do. Jesus’ leadership flowed from his place of prayer. Do you have a time and a place where you meet with God everyday?

          5. Know, develop and lead from your strengths

            Know what your strengths and weaknesses are. If you don’t you will hurt people and limit your growth. Develop your strengths through practice and lead from your strengths by complimenting your weaknesses.

            6. Develop strong relationships with the most important people in your life

              The most important people in a leaders life is their family, team mates and friends. Connect with your family daily. Connect with at least one of your team members weekly and connect with your friends fortnightly. Build high quality relationships with low maintenance people.

              7. Eyeball your own giants and take authority over them

              There are only 2 reasons why we face tests in life:

              1)    To reveal and perfect character

              2)    To help us walk in more authority by rising up and taking dominion over our giant

              Every leader in the Bible possessed great spiritual authority because they overcame the Giants in their pathway. David might have been anointed King of Israel but he had to slay Goliath to walk in Kingly authority. You cannot increase your spiritual authority by responding to an altar call. The only way you get a scepter of authority is by responding God-ward to trials and tribulations in our lives. When you respond God-ward instead of reacting man-ward what the enemy has sent to test you becomes your triumph.

              8. Identify your father’s in the faith and submit to their authority

                Don’t ever underestimate the impact that your father’s in the faith have on your ministry. In the Bible we see a common pattern of apostolic type relationships – Moses with Joshua; Samuel with David; Elijah with Elisha; Paul with Timothy. You cannot progress anymore than the leadership authority you are under and whoever you are under the authority of, you will become like – why? We imbibe of the spirit on the authority above us. One of the ways that God builds your ministry is through the relational networks you have with father’s and mothers in the faith.

                9. Be clear about the measure of faith God has assigned to you

                  Romans 12:3 – For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.

                  Doing a Joseph and telling your family about your dream sounds cute until you hit the real world of Egypt where your dream will be tested. I thought I had faith until God asked me to plant a church with nothing. Then in the real world my faith and vision were tested for what it really was. Jesus said, be it done to you according to your faith! In attempting anything for God the key question you must ask yourself is, ‘what is my faith margin?’ Your faith in God, not your ability to influence people will determine how far you go

                  10. Align your weekly schedule with your top priorities

                    Andy Stanley once said, As a young leader, my biggest mistake was allowing my time to be eaten up with things outside my core competencies. Every Monday morning I refocus myself on my top priorities for the week. Good time management is good priority management. The best advice I can give you about making the most out of your time is to organize your life and execute your diary around your top priorities.

                    11. Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t react to criticism

                      Many young leaders fall into the trap of trying too hard to grow their ministry and burn them selves out. I’ve been on the verge of burnout previously in my ministry and it is not at all how God intended for us to live. As a young leader you will get expectations flying at you from all directions. What’s most important is to identify what God expects of you and what the leaders above you expect of you and do the best. Invest your energy in doing what you’re told with excellence and growth will take care of itself. Ministry is a high pressured environment. Don’t let it faze you and keep your eyes focused on God and his vision for your life and ministry.

                      12. Be patient and persevere with God’s dream for your life, it will surely come to pass

                        Psalm 37:23 – The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

                        Don’t be in such a hurry to get to your destination that you miss out on what God wants to teach you along the journey. Someone once said, If you can hold onto your dream for 5 years it will eventually come to pass.

                        Habakkuk 2:3 – For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.