Archive for March, 2008

Moving from Me-sim to We-ism

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on March 26, 2008 by Corey Turner

In this edition of Insight we are going to look at how to develop a culture of WE-ISM in the teams that you lead and are apart of.

Read Scripture: John 17:20-23

Jesus High Priestly Prayer gives us profound insight into what was most important to Jesus before He ascended to the Father. Out of all the things that Jesus could have prayed for he prayed that we would be unified. Our love for each other and the way we treat each other is the best evidence of the reality of God in the world. Jesus said in John 15, By this shall men know that you are my disciples, that you have love for one another.

There are two attitudes you can adopt as a team member. One attitude will pull you down and slow your team down and the other will build you up and accelerate your team’s fruitfulness.

1)    The me-ism attitude says my desires and needs are more important than those of anyone else.

The me-ism attitude is a me first attitude. It’s hard to get rid of because it’s intertwined with our fallen nature which is pre-occupied with self. Three men had been stranded on an island for many months and one day a bottle washed up on onto the beach. One of the men found the bottle and took it back to the other men. They decided to open the bottle and as they did, suddenly a genie appeared before them and said that they had a wish each that the genie would grant to them.

The first man asked to be back with his family in Melbourne because he was desperately missing them. The genie granted the man his wish. The second man wanted to eat in the finest restaurant in Paris because he was really hungry. The genie granted him his wish. The third man was feeling sorry for himself and said to the genie that because he was feeling lonely he wished for his two friends to be back with him. As promised the genie granted his wish. This is a humorous example of how selfish we all can be when we live by the me-ism attitude.

2)    The we-ism attitude says the team’s desires and needs are more important than my own.

We-ism is a team first attitude and it’s what we must cultivate in our teams, if we are going to reflect God and fulfil our vision. We-ism flows from the Trinitarian nature of God. In Genesis 1:26 it says, Let us make man, after our image, after our likeness.

Question: How do we create a culture of we-ism in our teams?

Casting a compelling vision creates a culture of we-ism

If you don’t cast vision to your team, individual team members will create their own. A team without vision is setting itself up for major conflict. Casting a vision that blows your socks off makes people feel apart of something bigger than themselves. When people feel apart of something bigger than themselves they are more likely to recognize the need for the team to work together to accomplish the vision.

Sacrificing personal agendas creates a culture of we-ism

When we get focused on my role, my team, my ministry, we’ve being motivated by a personal agenda. We’re not here to compete with one another but to complete one another. The goal we’re aiming for as a team is more important than the role we’re currently performing. No team can be successful if the individual team members don’t make personal sacrifices.

Leading with a servant heart creates a culture of we-ism 

When you’re motivated to serve people, you don’t care who gets the credit. Servant-hood is always noticed in the Kingdom of God. God never overlooks an act that flows out of a servant heart. Servant-hood is the key to true greatness.

Holding your team accountable creates a culture of we-ism

Every one of us need accountability of some kind. No-one is exempt from it so we might as well expect that somewhere along the way we’re going to be held accountable for our role within the team. If you are unwilling to confront issues in your team members you will reinforce the negative behaviour of individuals. Confront issues quickly and respectfully and you will protect the culture of we-ism you are trying to build.

Cheering each other on creates a culture of we-ism

1 Corinthians 12:26 says, If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together. I’ve noticed we find it easier to mourn for someone else than to rejoice when someone else is honoured. When you genuinely cheer someone else on you demonstrate your own security as an individual and your focus is on the contribution of the team, not just yourself.