Archive for evolution

Creation vs Evolution!

Posted in activate church, apologetics, Creation, global issues, Pop Culture, purpose, Theology with tags , , , on June 22, 2009 by Corey Turner

3274252858_1eb9c33bcb_mOur origins are important because it affects our destiny. There are many voices in the world that would attempt to squash the biblical perspective of creation and intelligent design for a more athiestic and secular evolutionary theory of the origins of the earth and mankind.

In 1859 Charles Darwin wrote his famed, “Origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”. The overall theory was that white humans had out evolved blacks and become superior to black humans, but you will never get told this side of Darwin from your college professor. There are 10 problems with secular evolutionary theory:

  1. How can nothing make everything?
  2. How can random chaos make an orderly universe?
  3. How can no ‘designer’ create something that was designed?
  4. How can impersonal matter create personal humanity?
  5. How can the unintelligent make the intelligent?
  6. How can a transition of species happen over a long period of time but no fossil record exist that such a transition actually happened?
  7. How come we’ve been unable to replicate evolution despite trying desperately to do so?
  8. How can some people say the earth is eternal when even evolutionary theorists hold to BIG bang cosmology which assumes there was a beginning?
  9. Why should anyone try to make a meaningful life for themselves if the secularists are right and all of life is full of hopelessness and despair? The end result is simply suicide.
  10. It’s biased and just bad science because spontaneous generation was proven wrong several hundred years ago.

The alternative to creation is simply paganism (a lie).We are all worshippers and so if we don’t worship God we will worship his creation (Rom 1:18-32). The ultimate result of worshipping creation rather than the creator is sexual perversion because the human body is the crowning achievement of God’s creation. 

Oneism is rife in our society and teaches us that all of reality exists in one circle and the goal is to eradicate distinctions (as found in Genesis 1-3) and bring everything into one. Oneism is postmodernism where there isn’t any good or evil and we should only have one religion, the worship of self! Oneism seeks to get Jesus Christ out of the way because Jesus claims to be the only way to truth and life (John 14:6).

The Dalai Lama reinforces oneism when he says, “We used to think that life was two but really it’s one.” The movie Golden Compass reinforces this when it puts all angels into the category of ‘one’ even if those angels are demons. This theme of oneism is seen in the movie ‘Star Wars’ where everything relates back to the force and even in the kids movie Lion King, Elton John made millions from his hit single, “Circle of life”. Oneism attempts to eradicate every distinction as found in Genesis 1-3 and to look to ourselves as the ultimate god of our reality.

But Trueism says that there are distinctions in our early origins (Gen 1-3) and that Jesus Christ was outside the proverbial circle of oneness and came into our reality to save us from our sin because we were lost, blind and dead in our sin (Rom 3:23). The bible is a theological history more than a scientific textbook. The bible exists not to tell us how the heavens go but how to go to heaven. It tells us about the ‘Who’ and the ‘What’, that God made the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1). We are worshippers. The question is whom do you worship? The creator or the creation?

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