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Importance of SOLITUDE!

Posted in global issues, Leadership, ministry, purpose, Spirituality, Stress management with tags , , , , , , on March 17, 2009 by Corey Turner

One of the most underrated habits in our busy lifestyles is solitude. I am a big believer in the principle that says, before you can effectively lead others, you need to lead yourself. Solitude is one of the ways we lead ourselves so that we can be far more effective in our relationships and tasks.

The habit of solitude is being completely alone with God away from all human contact for extended periods of time. It is counter-cultural and challenging to our contemporary way of life with mobiles, computers, TV, music, radio, kids, school, friends, travel, work, church, etc… BUT it is necessary and needed. Solitude is being refeshed and restored by the natural rhythms of life and taking time to listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus modeled solitude throughout his earthly ministry. Before starting his ministry Jesus spent 40days in the wilderness praying and fasting. Before Jesus selected his disciples, he spent the night alone in prayer. When Jesus received the news about John the Baptist, he withdrew in a boat to a secluded place to be alone. After ministering to over 5,000 people and moving in signs and wonders Jesus retreated to the hills to be by himself.

Success, the roar of the crowd, demands and urgent tasks can be intoxicating to our sense of self-worth but if we are to live for the audience of 1 and stay on mission for our entire lives we need to schedule time into our lives to be quiet and still before God.

Your best creativity won’t be realised in times of stress and conflict. Your best creativity will be expressed out of times of reflection, stillness and meditative thinking. In other words solitude is the master key to living life to the fullest. You can only pull out of the well what you have put in there. You can’t spend your time with everyone and expect to continually be a blessing to them. The axe (being you) grows dull without constant sharpening. Solitude with God sharpens you up and prepares you for a greater contribution to the world.

Lead the Change!