Archive for Discernment

Look out for the SIGNPOSTS!

Posted in faith, Intimacy with God with tags , on August 27, 2009 by Corey Turner

241256203_d5c73ae82bIn Acts 1:8 Jesus said to his disciples that there will be a sign when the Holy Spirit comes upon them = Power for witnessing! Now we know that God’s power is given to us for the purpose of mission but we can also see in this text the need to observe the sign posts that God gives us for our lives.

We need to be on the lookout for the sign posts God gives to us if we are going to stay on course with God’s plan for us. I was driving on eastlink heading to an appointment and I missed my turn off twice in the one trip because I was distracted by my phone conversation (Hands free of course). 

Some of us miss the turnoffs God has for us because we are distracted by the cares and affairs of this life. Distractions are a major strategy of Satan’s to lead you away from God’s will for your life. God gives you signs when He is wanting you to do something or head in a certain direction. They can consist of Prophecies, Sermon insights, Scriptures, Inspired thoughts, encouragement, etc. Look out for the signposts and pay attention to them. Don’t miss your turn off and be faithful to God’s plan for your life.

Lead the Change!